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2230 Malvern Ave, Suite E., Hot Springs, AR. 71901             501-463-6909

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Alicia's Vanity Room

How old you are is your business - 

How young you look is our business.


Image by Krystal Ng


IPL Laser Hair Removal

A basic process of hair removal in which a laser emits a light, it is then absorbed by the pigment in the hair which then destroys the hair and the surrounding root disabling it from future hair growth.  


Diode Laser Hair Removal

Diode laser is a form of laser hair removal treatment that offers a gentle touch, removing hair while protecting the skin. This form of laser hair removal is an effective treatment of all skin and hair types.


IPL Laser Pigment Removal

Using state of the art technology to deliver short pulses of light energy to the skin. This selective delivery of laser energy destroys the excess pigment and fades the lesion, but remarkably leaves the surrounding tissue unaffected.

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Opening Hours

Follow Us

2230 Malvern Ave, Suite E

Hot Springs, AR. 71901



Mon - Fri

9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Closed for Lunch

1pm – 2pm

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