(501) 781-3612
2230 Malvern Ave, Suite E., Hot Springs, AR. 71901 501-463-6909
Alicia's Vanity Room
How old you are is your business -
How young you look is our business.
Fibroblast Skin Tightening
The treatment uses Plasma technology created through the ionization of atmospheric gases to stimulate and contract the tension in the fibers of the skin and consists of making many arc points; with the plasma, spaced apart, achieving tension in the tissue. This can be done on both face or body. By using plasma, it promotes collagen security and at the same time regenerates the area where it is performed. The treated area will be covered with small scabs that will fall off naturally after approximately five days.
Treatment Duration: Approx. 30 – 60 min.
Results: Seen after 3 – 6 weeks
Follow-up: Recommends 1-3 sessions with 6-week intervals for results.
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Opening Hours
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2230 Malvern Ave, Suite E
Hot Springs, AR. 71901
Mon - Fri
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed for Lunch
1pm – 2pm