(501) 781-3612
2230 Malvern Ave, Suite E., Hot Springs, AR. 71901 501-463-6909
Alicia's Vanity Room
How old you are is your business -
How young you look is our business.
Body Treatments
​Laser Lipo emits low levels of laser energy through the treatment pads, triggering a chemical signal in the fat cells to break down the stored triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol, releasing them through channels in the cell membranes. Fat content is then transported around the body to the tissues where it will be burned off during your exercise after treatments.
PRP Breast Lift
​A vampire breast lift (VBL) augments your breasts without surgery. Providers inject platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to improve skin texture and make your breasts appear fuller.
Contact Us
Opening Hours
Follow Us
2230 Malvern Ave, Suite E
Hot Springs, AR. 71901
Mon - Fri
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed for Lunch
1pm – 2pm